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  • Johnny Cash's $6,400 to-do list is a masterclass on prioritization.

Johnny Cash's $6,400 to-do list is a masterclass on prioritization.

Johnny Cash, the King of Country Music, once made the King of To-Do Lists. On a sheet printed with the words, “Things To Do Today!” Johnny Cash wrote:

In a world where productivity systems are overcomplicated, The Man in Black provides a blueprint for making life easier, better, and more fulfilling by keeping our focus on the things that matter.

His direct, honest, and simple list is a masterclass on prioritization.

On a sheet printed with the words, “Things To Do Today!” Johnny Cash wrote:

1. Not smoke

2. Kiss June (his second wife and one true love)

3. Not kiss anyone else

4. Cough

5. Pee

6. Eat

7. Not eat too much

8. Worry

9. Go see Mama

10. Practice piano

In the section marked NOTES at the bottom, he wrote:

Not write notes

The romantic in me loves number two. The addict in me appreciates number one. The foodie, six. The athlete, seven. And the creative can’t get enough of ten.

The boy in me finds three hilarious. And the child in me needs more of nine.

I worry about eight.

Why did “Worry” make it on the list? “Worry” is usually on not-to-do lists.

Was it a typo? What did he need to worry about?

Or was he looking for an easy win, like when people write “make a to-do list” just to check it off, boost their morale, and generate momentum?

I guess we'll never know.

Either way, as I mentioned in the title, this list sold for $6,400 at an auction.

That’s a lot of money for a class on productivity disguised as a relic.

So, here’s the lesson money can't buy...

We don’t make lists to up our productivity. We make lists to remind us what makes life meaningful.

Like kissing June.

